
A Day Packed with Knowledge Sharing and Networking

The second day of the Becht Coker Workshop proved to be an enriching experience for attendees, offering a platform for industry experts to share valuable insights and learnings.

Morning sessions kicked off with captivating presentations | Becht Coker Workshop

  • Performance of Replacement Coke Drums in Severe Coking Service: Huidong Gao and Meghal Bhatt from Pemex Deer Park Refinery, Les Harold from CIA Inspection, and Dave Dewees from Becht delved into the performance of replacement coke drums under demanding conditions.
  • No Strings Attached: Lessons Learned from 1st Wireless Health Monitoring System Install: Rob Littlefield of Marathon and Corey Duncan of Becht explored the application of wireless health monitoring systems and the valuable lessons learned from their first installation.
  • Investigation of Coke Drum Washer Plate Loosening and Top Nozzle Deformation: Nick Baden of Cenovus and Dave Dewees of Becht investigated the causes and solutions for coke drum washer plate loosening and top nozzle deformation.
Becht Coker Workshop
Day 2 of the Becht Coker Workshop offered a packed schedule of informative talks and engaging discussions. Attendees gained valuable insights into various aspects of coker operations and reliability, from performance of replacement coke drums to digital twins and best practices for decoking.

Additional key presentations throughout the day included:

  • Coker Heat Outlet Piping Redesign for Spalling: Mitchell Smith and Jeff Arceneaux from CITGO Petroleum, along with Mitch Moloney and David Anthony from Becht, discussed strategies for redesigning coker heat outlet piping to address spalling issues.
  • A Range of Presentations Addressing Various Coker Operations and Challenges: Attendees were further enriched by presentations on diverse topics like enhancing delayed coker operations, implementing digital twins, analyzing corrosion in light coker gas oil piping, understanding furnace coking rates, and optimizing coker heater health.

Engaging Panel Discussions and Networking Opportunities:

The afternoon concluded with insightful panel discussions on best practices and potential pitfalls in decoking and inspecting delayed coker heaters, as well as coker furnace tube metallurgy, led by industry experts Richard Roberts and Clay White from Becht. The day wrapped up with a lively happy hour hosted by WSI, providing attendees with a chance to engage in in-depth conversations with key individuals and delve deeper into the presented topics.

Stay tuned for the full interviews and presentations from Frank Sapienza, Mitch Maloney, and Richard Roberts, offering a comprehensive look at their valuable insights shared at the Becht Coker Workshop.

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