SLOM 2024 at a glance: Maritime industry leaders commit to a more sustainable future | Day 1

SLOM 2024, Dia 1

The 20th Conference of the Latin American Society of Marine Terminal and Monobuoy Operators (SLOM) has been a key meeting point for the industry’s main players, who have reaffirmed their commitment to sustainability and innovation. With a special focus on energy transition and digitalization, participants explored solutions to reduce the carbon footprint, improve operational efficiency and ensure the safety of facilities.

SLOM 2024: A benchmark for the Latin American maritime industry

During the event, internationally renowned experts presented the latest trends and technologies in environmental protection, risk management and process optimization. They highlighted the importance of public-private collaboration in driving the adoption of sustainable practices throughout the value chain.

Among the topics addressed were:

  • Decarbonization: Various strategies were presented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in marine terminal operations, including the use of renewable energy and carbon capture and storage.
  • Digitalization: Participants explored how digital technologies can improve operational efficiency, reduce costs and optimize decision making. The applications of artificial intelligence, big data and advanced analytics in asset management and failure prediction were highlighted.
  • Safety: The latest trends in industrial safety and cybersecurity were discussed, as well as best practices to prevent accidents and protect critical infrastructures.

The conference also served as a platform for launching new initiatives and collaborative projects among participants. Attendees highlighted the importance of SLOM as a forum for knowledge sharing and synergy generation.

For more content related to the event visit and our Youtube channel.

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