Yatsushiro biomass plant starts operations in Japan

The plant was built by IHI, and aims to generate around 480 GWh/year of clean electricity.
La planta de biomasa Yatsushiro

The Yatsushiro biomass plant, established and erected as a power plant with a capacity of 75 MW, has begun commercial operation in Kumamoto Prefecture in southern Japan. In the next few days, it is expected to be fully and correctly operational.

Yatsushiro biomass plant operational

The plant was built by Japanese engineering firm IHI, and aims to generate around 480 GWh/year of clean electricity, which will be sold under Japan’s feed-in tariff scheme for 20 years.

The Yatsushiro plant will use a combination of wood pellets imported mainly from Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, and domestically produced wood chips for its operation. It will consume an estimated 240,000 tons of pellets and 60,000 tons of wood chips per year.

Ownership of the plant is split between Chubu Electric Power (49%), Toho Gas (37%) and the energy joint venture Ene-Vision (14%). Ene-Vision, in turn, is 56.5% owned by Japanese trading house Toyota Tsusho, 26.1% by domestic agricultural machinery and industrial engine manufacturer Yanmar, 8.7% by engineering services company Toyotsu Machinery and 8.7% by Toho Gas.

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Source and photo: IHI