X National Congress of Earthquake Engineering will present projects in Bogotá

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 9, 2022. From June 15 to 17, the X National Congress of Seismic Engineering (CNIS) will be held at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. It will be a space where professionals, academics and students can share research experiences (theoretical, numerical and/or experimental), as well as the presentation of real projects, which are part of the field of earthquake engineering.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 9, 2022

From June 15 to 17, the X National Congress of Seismic Engineering (CNIS) will be held at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia. It will be a space where professionals, academics and students can share research experiences (theoretical, numerical and/or experimental), as well as the presentation of real projects, which are part of the field of earthquake engineering.

The congress addresses issues related to the seismic threat, vulnerability, prevention and mitigation of seismic risk considering the behavior, response, design and reinforcement of civil and related structures. Therefore, the main objective of the event is the exchange and dissemination of knowledge to promote the study of earthquake engineering in the country.

The first CNIS was held in 2001 and since then it has established itself as one of the most outstanding events in the field of Colombian engineering. The event makes an important contribution to the socialization of scientific knowledge, the updating of regulations and the presentation of new techniques for earthquake resistant construction in the region. This edition of the CNIS seeks to continue with this contribution from an atmosphere of fellowship and guaranteeing a high academic level of the event.

The congress is part of the thematic lines: seismology, soil-structure interaction, analysis and design, as well as reinforcement and protection.

Nine keynote lectures will be held, among which the following stand out: “Site effects and sand liquefaction in seismic hazard calculations: a new approach, event by event” by Mario Ordaz, “The use of computer vision for the evaluation of the state of structures ” by Ruben Boroschek, “Seismic isolation systems resilient to extreme earthquakes: numerical and experimental results” by Jose Luis Almazan, among other interesting topics.

The event, organized by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and the Colombian Association of Earthquake Engineering, will be held in person and also via streaming.

Source and flyer : https://10congresosismica.com/