Wrightbus will integrate Ballard engines into hydrogen buses in the United Kingdom and Germany

This agreement increases Ballard's existing orders to approximately 300 units of fuel cell engines.
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Los motores Ballard

Wrightbus has confirmed delivery of 70 units of Ballard Power Systems FCmove HD engines, solidifying the British zero-emission bus manufacturer’s work.

The integration of Ballard engines

This shipment will be made throughout this year, with the expectation that hydrogen buses, both single-decker and double-decker, will begin operating in 2025 . The previous year, Wrightbus had reached an agreement with the UK’s Go-Ahead group to supply 54 buses, backed by an investment of approximately $37.8 million.

Oben Uluc, Vice President of Sales and Marketing EMEA at Ballard, expressed his excitement about strengthening the partnership with Wrightbus and facilitating the expansion of the hydrogen bus fleet in the UK and Europe.

The energy and environmental leap of buses in Europe

Today, more public transport operators in Europe are opting for buses with fuel cell technology , taking advantage of advantages such as speed of refueling, extended range and scalability of refueling infrastructure.

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Additionally, in early April, Ballard announced a long-term supply agreement (LTSA) with Solaris Bus & Coach , promising to ship 1,000 units of hydrogen fuel cells. This agreement increases Ballard ‘s existing orders to approximately 300 units of fuel cell engines, and the LTSA adds an additional commitment for 700 systems, making this the largest supply agreement in Ballard’s history.

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Source and photo: Ballard Power Systems

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