Woodside achieves first oil extraction in the Sangomar field

The Sangomar project has a storage capacity of 1.3 million barrels in its FPSO Léopold Sédar Senghor unit.

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Producción de petróleo

Woodside has achieved the first deepwater oil extraction off the coast of Senegal, a few months after the arrival of a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit in the country. This FPSO is intended to work on the Sangomar project.

The Sangomar Phase 1 field project, which aims to extract around 230 million barrels of crude oil from the barrels of crude oil has been officially launched by Woodside. Since the project was sanctioned in January 2020, the company has worked hard to meet the set targets, marking a significant achievement as the first offshore oil development in Senegal.

Oil production and storage

The project relies on the FPSO Léopold Sédar Senghor, which arrived in February 2024. This unit has a nominal production capacity of 100,000 barrels per day and is equipped with subsea infrastructure that will allow for future development phases. With a storage capacity of 1.3 million barrels, the FPSO is located about 100 kilometers off the Senegalese coast.

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Meg O’Neill, Woodside’s executive director, highlighted the historic nature of this achievement for both Senegal and Woodside. According to O’Neill, the initial production from the Sangomar field is a crucial breakthrough that reflects the company’s successful strategy. This project is expected to generate significant shareholder value under the production sharing agreement.

Senegal’s first marine oil extraction

The safe development of Senegal’s first offshore oil project, in a period of unprecedented global challenges, demonstrates Woodside’s ability to execute. The company has formed strong relationships with PETROSEN the government of Senegal and local and international contractors to develop this crucial resource.

In terms of infrastructure, Phase 1 of the Sangomar field comprises 23 wells, including 11 production wells, ten water injection wells and two gas injection wells. To date, 21 of the 23 planned wells have been drilled and completed, including nine production wells. Well number 24 has been approved and will be completed in the current campaign.

Transforming Senegal’s economy

Thierno Ly, General Manager of PETROSEN E&P, highlighted that the initial production from the Sangomar field inaugurates a new era for the industry and the economy of Senegal, highlighting the commitment and effort of the teams involved.

The start of production at Sangomar also represents a significant opportunity for economic development and job creation in Senegal, providing a vital boost to the local economy and improving investment prospects in the region.

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Source and photo: woodside

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