Women represent 18% of all workers in the Argentine oil industry

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 31, 2022. According to a report by the Diversity and Inclusion Commission of the Argentine Institute of Oil and Gas (IAPG), the number of women employed in the oil industry in Argentina currently does not exceed 18% of the total number of positions that generates the sector.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, August 31, 2022

According to a report by the Diversity and Inclusion Commission of the Argentine Institute of Oil and Gas (IAPG), the number of women employed in the oil industry in Argentina currently does not exceed 18% of the total number of positions that generates the sector.

This number is much lower than that registered in other sectors of the world, where there is still a gender gap. In Europe, 33% of jobs in oil and gas are held by women. Only Asia Pacific is below Argentina, with 8%. The objective is to reveal if the quotas by gender are met.

Gabriela González, from the IAPG’s Diversity and Inclusion Commission, in an interview with the Télam news agency, said that “the entity works to increase the number of women who work in the hydrocarbons sector.” These data appear in the Gender and Diversity Survey that was recently presented at the Oil & Gas event in Neuquén.

According to IAPG, the participation of women in the sector is equivalent to 18% of the total, while men account for the remaining 82%. González indicated that, of the companies consulted, less than 5% are led by women (considering the highest executive authority of the organizations), while female workers lose almost 30% of participation in management.

Globally, the regions with the greatest presence of women in jobs in the hydrocarbons sector are Europe (33% of the total), North America (23%), Latin America (21%), the Middle East (15%) and Asia Pacific (8%).

This material from the minutaneuquen.com portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

Source : https://www.minutoneuquen.com/neuquen/2022/8/29/la-cantidad-de-mujeres-empleadas-en-la-industria-petrolera-no-supera-el-18-por-ciento- 319343.html

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