Wintershall Dea announces expansion of North Sea gas condensate wells

The Cuvette well encountered gas condensate in Middle and Upper Jurassic sandstones as a large reservoir.
La exploración y expansión de pozos de gas condensado

Wintershall Dea Norge, the Norwegian subsidiary of German energy company Wintershall Dea, has made a gas condensate discovery in the northern North Sea. This discovery was made through drilling with the Transocean Norge semi-submersible rig.

Exploration and expansion of gas-condensate wells

In late April 2024, Wintershall Dea, together with its partners Petoro and DNO, drilled the Cuvette exploration well in licenses PL248F and PL248GS, close to the Vega field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

Anne Grethe Bretting, Wintershall Dea’s exploration manager for the North Sea, noted the importance of continuing to explore new discoveries that can leverage the capacity of existing infrastructure in Vega and Gjøa. This, he said, is essential given that both fields are in a mature production phase.

On June 19, Wintershall Dea announced the discovery of gas condensate at Cuvette, confirming that its potential to accelerate production through the Vega/Gjøa infrastructure will be evaluated. Roy Davies, vice president of Exploration and Subsurface for Wintershall Dea Norge, emphasized the company’s strategy of rapidly developing new volumes close to existing infrastructure.

The Cuvette well encountered gas condensate in Middle and Upper Jurassic sandstones, with estimated recoverable volumes between 9 and 22 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) in the Middle Jurassic and 7 to 16 mmboe in the Upper Jurassic. According to DNO, the partners are considering accelerated production through the Vega Central template and possible joint development with nearby discoveries such as Syrah, Orion and Beaujolais.

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Source and photo: Wintershall Dea Norge