Windar Renovables and Navantia finalize first batch of monopiles for Moray West

The destination for these 14 monopiles is Moray West Park, powered by Ocean Winds.
El primer lote de monopiles

In one of Navantia Seanergies’ shipyards, the first batch of monopiles for the offshore wind industry has been transported first batch of monopiles for the offshore wind industry. The integration and effort of Navantia Seanergies and Windar Renovables has successfully culminated in a model aimed at strengthening the infrastructure of offshore wind farms.

First batch of monopiles for the Moray West project

These monopiles manufactured by the partnership between Navantia Seanergies and Windar Renovables have been shipped to Scotland to be used by Ocean Winds for used by Ocean Winds. This achievement highlights the shipyard’s competence and ability to produce essential elements and improve fixed foundations, a segment that currently dominates the market.

Moreover, this first contract for the Moray West project is just the beginning, because Navantia Seanergies and Windar Renovables are preparing to embark on three other established projects. These future commitments promise to keep the monopile plant fully operational for the next two years.

The purpose of the 14 monopiles for the Moray West, powered by Ocean Winds, is to optimize the western sector of the Moray Firth, which has a target of increasing its generation to 882 MW. This collaboration has extended its capabilities to the manufacture of the first sections of 62 wind turbine jackets that will form part of the Dieppe Le Tréport offshore wind farm in France, another Ocean Winds project.

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Source and photo: Windar Renovables