What is pipeline integrity? This week we will explain it in the Tech Talking program

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Inspenet, February 20, 2023

In the Tech Talking Program this Wednesday, February 22, Dr. Jorge Luis González will be a guest, who will be talking with Eng. Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, on pipeline integrity.

Dr. González is a metallurgical engineer, doctor in metallurgy, with post-doctorate in Environmentally Assisted Fracture, research professor, member of the National System of Researchers, author of numerous books and more than 160 engineering articles.

He has more than three decades of experience in fracture mechanics and integrity, in which he has directed more than 1,000 research projects for the industry, obtaining awards and recognition from institutions and universities.

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In this episode of the Tech Talking program, Dr. González will answer different questions about pipeline integrity and its evolution, the incorporation of new technologies to pipeline integrity and how to interpret the 579 standard, among other interesting topics.

We invite you to enjoy this interesting program on Wednesday, February 22 at 6:00 p.m. Colombia.

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Source, image, video : Inspenet

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