Welcome aboard! MSC receives another giant ship: MSC Gemma

Inspenet, May 23, 2023 Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group, in collaboration with China Shipbuilding Trading Co. Ltd. (CSTC), officially handed over the container ship MSC Gemma, with a cargo capacity of 24,116 TEUs, to ICBC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., and to MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company.
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Inspenet, May 23, 2023

Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group, in collaboration with China Shipbuilding Trading Co. Ltd. (CSTC), officially handed over the container ship MSC Gemma, with a cargo capacity of 24,116 TEUs, to ICBC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., and to MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company .

The delivery of the ship follows the completion of sea trials for the vessel in early May.

The ship, which has a length of 399.99 meters, a beam of 61.5 meters and a draft of 33.2 meters, has a cargo capacity of 24,116 standard containers.

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MSC Gemma: Innovative technology and sustainability

MSC Gemma possesses a number of innovative features that reduce her environmental impact and improve her operational efficiency, such as a small bulbous bow, large diameter propellers and energy saving ducting.

Also, its air lubrication system creates a layer of bubbles between the hull and the surrounding water, significantly reducing friction and hydrodynamic resistance, technology that experts say will provide energy savings of between three and four percent. , and a substantial decrease in CO emissions2 .

This is the third ship of the same size to be built at the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding yard on behalf of MSC. The container shipping company has received five ships since the beginning of this year: MSC Tessa and MSC Celestino Maresca, with 24,116 TEUs, and MSC Raya, MSC Irina and MSC Loreto, with 24,000 TEUs.

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Source and photos : https://www.emb.cl/negociosglobales/noticia.mvc?nid=20230523p3&ni=msc-recibe-otro-buque-de-enormes-proportiones

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