We celebrate World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development

Inspenet, March 3, 2023 This year, the World Day of Engineering for Sustainable Development, designated by UNESCO in 2019, is celebrated for the fourth time.
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Inspenet, March 3, 2023

This year, the World Day of Engineering for Sustainable Development, designated by UNESCO in 2019, is celebrated for the fourth time.

UNESCO proclaimed March 4 as World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, with the mission of promoting different innovative engineering solutions that achieve the goals set within the Sustainable Development Plan proposed by the nations.

The date framed in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations Organization (UN) seeks to guarantee access to clean water, sanitation, reliable energy and other basic human needs, taking into account the impacts of climate change, resilience to natural disasters, the challenges of new technologies and gender equality.

This day is propitious to make communities aware of the important role of engineering in modern life, essential to mitigate the effects of climate change and advance sustainable development throughout the world.

Source : https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/dia-mundial-de-la-ingenieria-para-el-desarrollo-sostenible-1

Flyer : https://www.gub.uy/

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