WBI Energy offers cathodic protection services at AMPP 2023

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Inspenet, March 23, 2023

Inspenet, a network of knowledge and professional connection, continues at the Denver Convention Center, where the AMPP 2023 Annual Conference and Expo takes place, which ends today.

At this event, we exclusively interviewed Rob Lunder, CP Specialist at WBI Energy , a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., which provides essential products and services through its regulated energy supply, materials and utility services businesses. construction, based in Billings, Montana.

“We have a couple of deep well drilling trucks and offer all kinds of services from cathodic protection, field surveys, deep well installation, material sales, AC mitigation installation and design,” Lunder explains.

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They also have two CP4S certified and two NACE CP3 certified colleagues on staff. “We do all aspects of cathode design, such as CA mitigation or UST or AST foundations, normal pipelines, hydroelectric dams, dam structures, earthbed facilities,” Lunder added.

We invite you to watch the full interview on Inspenet TV : https://inspenet.com/video-tv/interview-rob-lunder-ampp2023/

Stay connected with Inspenet and don’t miss what happens at the conference, with interviews with the speakers and all the news from the AMPP exhibition.

Source and Photo : Inspenet

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