Vortex Metals begins mining exploration phases in Mexico

Joshua Falcon, March 15, 2024. The ACAGOLD unit belonging to Vortex Metals, a Canadian mining company, has obtained the approval of the Santiago Astata Agrarian Community, located in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Vortex Metals y fases de exploración minera

The ACAGOLD unit belonging to Vortex Metals, a Canadian mining company, has obtained the approval of the Santiago Astata Agrarian Community, located in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. This approval allows them to move forward with their mineral resource exploration project in the region.

ACAGOLD owns two areas of interest for the extraction of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) copper, named Riqueza Marina and Zaachila, and a gold deposit known as El Rescate, all located in Mexico.

Approval and expansion plans of Vortex Metals

This community approval represents the commencement of a series of exploratory activities ranging from geological reconnaissance to the installation of 25 drilling platforms . These actions are planned to be carried out in the field, reflecting the breadth and depth of the research that Vortex has planned.

Obtaining this license is vital, especially for the Zaachila project, which is at an advanced stage, with specific sites already selected to start drilling. To reach this point, it was imperative that Vortex complete a detailed environmental impact assessment. In this way, it is able to secure the consent of the local community, who are fundamental to proceed with future stages of the project.

In order to ensure an environmentally friendly operation, Vortex has established an environmental monitoring committee in collaboration with members of the local community. This committee will have the task of supervising the exploration program and ensuring compliance with all established environmental protection measures.

Environmental support and management with communities

The CEO of Vortex Metals Vikas Ranjan, has expressed his enthusiasm for the authorization received, underlining the company’s commitment to transparency, environmental stewardship and the development of mutually beneficial relationships with local communities. Ranjan also noted “the importance of this project for the discovery of new copper and gold volcanological massive sulfide deposits in Oaxaca”.

In a related development, Vortex had previously announced in June its intention to acquire up to an 80% interest in the Illapel copper project in Chile through a non-binding letter of intent with SCM Ventana Minerals Group.

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Source: Vortex Metals

Photo: Shutterstock