Volkswagen Group announces plans for “economical” electric cars produced in Europe

Volkswagen introduces more affordable electric vehicles "from Europe, for Europe" to the market.
El Grupo Volkswagen anuncia planes de coches eléctricos

The Volkswagen Group will offer electric cars for €20,000 produced in Europe from 2027. This announcement will strengthen the categories of affordable compact electric vehicles for the European market.

Volkswagen Group announces electric car plans

The manufacturer’s Core group of brands is committed to bringing more affordable electric vehicles “from Europe, for Europe” to market as part of its market strategy. Volkswagen has been working hard to offer compact, low-priced SUVs.

The company will have a high degree of localization in the European Union, which will strengthen the continent as an industrial center. Moreover, the widespread adoption of electric mobility has been developed as the “urban electric car family“, which will include a range of multifunctional electric cars for less than €25,000, available by the end of 2025.

In addition, two new compact cars will be launched, one from the Volkswagen brand and one from Cupra, as well as two small SUVs from Skoda and another brand of the group, all manufactured in Spain. With the launch of affordable electric vehicles for 20,000 euros, the Volkswagen Group is taking “a further, coherent step” towards its vision of universal electric mobility.

An electric and green future

Volkswagen CEO and Core brand group leader Thomas Schäfer said that the future is electric and that more attractive vehicles are needed in the entry-level segment to promote greener, electric mobility.

Finally, Schäfer concluded that the brand’s promise is to offer “electric mobility for all,” assuring that the new vehicles will set standards in technology, design, quality and customer experience, even at an affordable price.

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Source and photo: Volkswagen Group