Vast and SpaceX team up to launch Haven-1: the first commercial space station

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Inspenet, May 22, 2023

Vast , a space startup, has partnered with SpaceX to launch its Haven-1 commercial space station in August 2025, the first of its kind.

According to Engadget, a Falcon 9 rocket will carry the platform into low-Earth orbit, with a follow-on Vast-1 mission using Crew Dragon to fly four people to Haven-1 for up to 30 days.

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Vast accepts reservations for crew members who wish to participate in scientific or philanthropic work. Additionally, the company has the option of a second crewed SpaceX mission.

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1849 Vast y SpaceX planean lanzar la primera estacion espacial comercial 2

Discover Haven-1: the small but mighty Vast space station that defies limits

Haven-1 is relatively small. It’s not much bigger than SpaceX’s capsule and is primarily intended for small-scale orbital science and manufacturing for the four people on board. However, Vast hopes to make Haven-1 just a module in a larger station, and it can simulate the Moon’s gravity by spinning.

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As TechCrunch points out, the 2025 target is ambitious and could see Vast beat out known rivals to deploy a private space station.

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Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin doesn’t expect to launch his Orbital Reef until the second half of the decade. Voyager, Lockheed Martin, and Nanoracks do not expect to operate their Starlab facilities before 2027. For its part, Axiom has the best chance of eclipsing Vast with a planned launch in late 2025.

There is no guarantee that any of these timelines will hold up given the challenges and costs of building an orbital habitat. This has to be a safe vehicle that comfortably supports humans for extended periods, not just the duration of a rocket launch. However, this suggests that the stations represent the next big phase of private spaceflight after tourism and lunar missions.

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Source :

Photos : Vast

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