Uranium production progresses at Honeymoon mine

The resin-based uranium extraction process at the Honeymoon mine removes almost 100% of the uranium, ensuring high quality eluate concentrations in excess of 7-9 g/l.
Avanza la producción de uranio desde la mina Honeymoon

Boss Energy has achieved significant milestones in the start-up and ramp-up of uranium production at the Honeymoon mine, located in South Australia, with total production of 57,364 pounds of U308 through June 30, 2024.

In this context, the company is ready to make its first shipment to European nuclear companies as part of existing sales contracts, with revenues expected in the current quarter.

About uranium production

According to the company’s press release According to the company’s press release, the performance of NIMCIX Column 1 is in line with expectations and construction of Columns 2 and 3 is on track for completion in September and December 2024, respectively. Boss is targeting total production of at least 850,000 pounds of U308 by June 30, 2025, in line with the schedule in its Feasibility Study.

The start-up phase at Honeymoon is progressing comfortably according to plan, with all key metrics meeting or exceeding the forecasts in the Feasibility Study timeline.

stated Duncan Craib, CEO of Boss Energy.

It is important to note that Boss continues to move forward with the construction of Columns 4, 5 and 6, with the goal of increasing production capacity to 2.45 million pounds per year by the third year.

Production Upgrade and Optimization Efforts

In the coming months, operations will focus on optimizing the ion exchange, elution, precipitation, drying and packaging processes. The average PLS field tenors of individual wells, ranging from 80 to 100 mg/L, continue to impress, exceeding the initial Feasibility Study PLS grade of 47 mg/L.

Boss has successfully managed leach efficiency to maximize wellfield recovery rates, while leach chemistry, validated during field tests, consistently demonstrates performance above commercial production rates.

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Source and photo: bossenergy

Photo: shutterstock