Unmanned aerial vehicle passed flight test in Denmark

The FC100 can carry up to 100 kg of cargo on a 200 km round trip.

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Flowcopter achieved a major feat by testing its latest unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at Denmark’s UAS Test Center, located at Hans Christian Andersen Airport in Odense. Flowcopter’s FC100 model has been designed to meet various applications with a focus on sustainability, being capable of carrying 100 kg of cargo on a 200 kg round trip.

Flowcopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Capabilities

This model stands out for its resistance capacity with lighter loads, and also for its ability to lift up to 150 kg in short jumps. This breakthrough positions the FC100 as a true game changer in UAV utility, significantly expanding the possibilities in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR).

The FC100 presents itself as a lighter, more robust and economical option compared to helicopters and ferries, improving logistics and the delivery experience. Flowcopter has developed innovative technology that employs a lightweight hydraulic drive train, proven in challenging environments. This prototype has passed initial testing and the design has been finalized to begin production. The company’s video below shows part of the flight test.

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The UAV can lift up to 150 kg in short jumps. Source: Flowcopter.

Peter McCurry, CEO of Flowcopter expressed his enthusiasm at presenting the FC100 to European customers, who responded with great support. McCurry said they are fully confident in the UAV’s performance and broad utility as they work to expand production capacity at their manufacturing base. The company expects this UAV to radically transform the delivery experience and usability in various applications.

New frontiers for FC100

The FC100 was born out of the need for unmanned platforms with high payload capacity and endurance in sectors such as search and rescue logistics and humanitarian aid. However, the interest in this UAV extends to other markets, including operations in offshore wind farms agriculture and urban air mobility (UAM).

The FC100 UAV is lightweight, rugged and offers new capabilities to multiple sectors, rethinking how significant payloads up to 100 kg can be delivered.

The implementation of FC100 in sectors such as urban air mobility (UAM) could significantly reduce traffic congestion in densely populated cities, improving efficiency and speed in the delivery of goods and services.

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Source and photo: flowcopter

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