The United States is the largest exporter of gasoline worldwide

The United States exports 900,000 barrels of fuel per day, enough to fill 1.5 million SUVs daily.
Mayor exportador de gasolina

An analysis conducted by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and published today, reveals that in 2023, the United States positioned itself as the largest exporter of gasoline in the world, reaching an average of 900,000 barrels per day. This figure represents more than 16% of global exports of the fuel.

The increase in refining capacity, coupled with the rise of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to produce light oil, has allowed U.S. refineries to U.S. refineries competitors such as Singapore and the Netherlands. Mexico is the main destination for these exports, with more than 500,000 barrels per day going to the country.

Mexico boosts U.S. as largest gasoline exporter

Refining capacity in the United States has increased considerably since 2010. This, coupled with low growth in domestic domestic consumptionhas made more product available for export. Despite this growth in production, gasoline consumption has remained stable since 2010, which has facilitated this new status as the world’s largest exporter.

Global gasoline exports
Annual global exports for engines between 2010 and 2023.
Source: U. S. Energy Information Administration

More than 90% of gasoline exports gasoline exports of gasoline in the United States come from the Gulf Coast region. Mexico is undoubtedly the main recipient, with demand exceeding 500,000 barrels per day. The rest of the exports are distributed among Central and South American countries.

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Source and internal photo: U. S. Energy Information Administration

Main photo: Shutterstock