UAT bets on innovation: opens a career in Engineering for Data Management

Inspenet, April 30, 2023 The Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) has plans to open two new careers this year, including one in Engineering for Data Management, as announced by the rector Guillermo Mendoza Cavazos.
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Inspenet, April 30, 2023

The Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) has plans to open two new careers this year, including one in Engineering for Data Management, as announced by the rector Guillermo Mendoza Cavazos.

Currently, the university has an enrollment of 40,000 students and is working on the program to send it for evaluation in Mexico.

Budget of 3,300 million pesos: Where will the resources of the UAT be allocated?

The UAT budget for this year is 3,300 million pesos, most of which is used to pay the payroll for its 8,000 workers, including 2,900 teachers. The rector pointed out that the university has maintained solid finances, controlling costs and salary increases.

“The university has had healthy finances for a long time, it has always sought to establish and be balanced in terms of spending, trying to control nominal growth, all the part of salary increases. The university has no financial problems of any kind “, he claimed.

1734 Foto Abrira UAT Ingenieria en Manejo de Datos interna
The rector of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas Guillermo Mendoza Cavazos, announced that they will open two new careers this year, including one in Engineering for Data Management

UAT and state and federal governments come together for an ambitious works program

The UAT is also working on a works program in coordination with the government of Tamaulipas, the federal government and the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIS).

The rector highlighted the unconditional support of the state and federal governments, which will allow the development of a strong works program. “We have unrestricted support from the state government, we are working with a fairly strong work plan, the state government and the federation have always complied with us,” said the rector.

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