The United States has significantly reduced its carbon emissions

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emisiones de carbono

The Statistical Review of World Energy 2023 has documented a historic fact: the U.S. has experienced the most significant reduction in carbon emissions of any nation in the last fifteen years. This decrease, totaling 879 million metric tons, reflects the country’s commitment to cleaner and more sustainable energy practices, ranging from energy to industrial emissions and fossil fuel production.

In comparison, the United States has reduced its emissions by 14%, although less than the reductions observed in the United Kingdom and Spain, which recorded reductions of 40% and 33%, respectively. This context underscores the scale of the global challenge and the importance of continuing to make progress in reducing emissions.

Ambitious targets for carbon emission reductions

The report notes a significant increase in emissions in some countries, with China topping the list. China’s emissions growth exceeds by 60% the sum of the reductions of the ten countries with the largest reductions, a continuing challenge facing the world in reducing global carbon emissions.

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This 15-year period coincides with the fracking boom” in the United States in the United States, which not only led to the largest decrease in carbon emissions, but also to a significant increase in energy production. The substitution of coal for natural gas has played a crucial role in this achievement, given the lower carbon footprint of natural gas compared to coal.

The significant change in the U.S. energy mix since 2007 has been evident. For example, coal dominated with more than 40% of energy production, while natural gas only represented 20% of use in the country. By 2022, these figures were reversed, evidencing the displacement of coal by natural gas as an effective strategy to reduce emissions.

Transition from polluting to cleaner energies

Natural gas is often cited as a transition fuel to a low-carbon economy. U.S. energy production data clearly show this transition, with natural gas doubling its share at the expense of coal. This transformation has been instrumental in reducing the country’s carbon emissions.

Recently, the impact of renewable energies on reducing coal consumption has been discussed. Although these clean energy sources have contributed to emissions reductions, the role of natural gas in this process has sometimes been underestimated or misunderstood.

A historical precedent that calls for new strategies

In short, the United States has set a precedent in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, highlighting the effectiveness of switching to cleaner energy sources such as natural gas. While renewables are essential for a sustainable energy transition, natural gas has proven to be a key determinant in achieving near-term emission reductions.

The World Energy Statistical Review assessment validates significant U.S. progress in global emissions reductions, emphasizing the need for energy transition strategies that balance efficiency, sustainability and economic viability. The U.S. track record offers valuable lessons and a model for other countries to follow in the global search for solutions to climate change.

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