Trigon Metals discovers high-grade copper at Kombat mine, Namibia

These important findings are based on the concentration of minerals close to previously exploited areas, which facilitates mining in the short term and for the future.
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Un gran descubrimiento de cobre de alto grado por Trigon Metals en la Mina Kombat

Trigon Metals has announced a significant discovery at its Kombat mine in Namibia. Recent underground drilling on levels 3 and 5 revealed high-grade copper concentrations. At level 3, 5 metres grading 11.21% copper and 117.89 g/t silver were encountered, while at level 5, drilling revealed 4 metres grading 2.83% copper and 49.75 g/t silver .

A major high-grade copper discovery

Recent exploration of the historic ” Kombat ” mine has revealed a significant expansion of mineralization . The drill holes were intended to verify previous data, but the results were more optimistic than expected, extending the extent of mineralization.

The significance of these findings is that the ore bodies are located close to previously mined areas, which facilitates short-term mining. Jed Richardson, CEO of Trigon Metals, highlighted the potential of the mine, while Dr. Andreas Rompel, Vice President of Exploration, indicated that they expect better results at deeper levels due to the increase in grade.

Quality Assurance and Control ( QA/QC ) results were validated through a strict quality control program, following ASTM standard E2941−21 for mineral extraction. Drill samples were sent to the independent laboratory African Laboratory Specialists Namibia ( ALS ), where they were analyzed using acid digestion and modern spectrometry techniques, ensuring accurate results.

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Source: Trigon Metals

Photo: Shutterstock

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