TotalEnergies prepares offshore oil exploration in South Africa


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By : Inspenet, Nov 23, 2022

TotalEnergies SE plans to explore for oil off the west coast of South Africa. The company is proposing to drill one well, which could result in an additional nine wells depending on the success of the first one, SLR Consulting Ltd., which is carrying out the environmental assessment, said on its website.

Community and environmental activists in South Africa have blocked seismic surveys, including one planned by Shell Plc in an area known as the Wild Coast, through lawsuits, citing risks to marine life and criticizing consultation processes. The government regulator in charge of licensing has pledged to improve public disclosure processes.

The area of interest in the Deep Water Orange Basin lies offshore between Port Nolloth and Hondeklip Bay, about 188 kilometers (117 miles) offshore at its closest, in water depths of up to 3,000 meters, SLR said.

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Both TotalEnergies and Shell Plc earlier this year made major oil discoveries north of the block off Namibian waters.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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