TotalEnergies confirmed oil leak in the Aegina field

Isbel Lázaro.
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fuga de petróleo

Inspenet, November 24, 2023.

TotalEnergies has verified that the oil leak on its Egina floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel has been controlled.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the leak occurred during the loading of crude oil from the Egina FPSO to a vessel on November 15.

Charles Ebereonwu, TotalEnergies National Communications Director, confirmed the leak to NAN last Thursday, stressing that it was minor in magnitude and has been contained through appropriate remedial measures.

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“This is not a massive leak and has been dealt with with the appropriate response resulting in most of it being reduced. No coasts or communities have been affected“said Ebereonwu.

Likewise, the incident had no impact on crude oil production at the facility, which has a capacity of 200,000 barrels per day and can store up to 2.3 million barrels of crude oil.

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