Today we celebrate World Energy Saving Day

By: Inspenet, October 21, 2022. Today, October 21, World Energy Saving Day is celebrated, with the intention of conserving natural resources and achieving efficiency in the energy area.
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By: Inspenet, October 21, 2022

Today, October 21, World Energy Saving Day is celebrated, with the intention of conserving natural resources and achieving efficiency in the energy area.

On this day, many organizations seek to make the population aware of the importance of saving energy, making rational use of energy resources and seeking alternatives that favor the environment.

We can all contribute to saving energy by using natural light as much as possible, unplugging devices or chargers that we don’t need, using low-energy light bulbs, turning off lights or televisions that we are not using, controlling the use of heating and air conditioning, as well as also, unplug those devices that do not need continuous connection.

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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