Today we celebrate the International Day for a Safe Internet

Inspenet, February 7, 2023 Today, February 7, we celebrate the International Day for a Safe Internet (Safer Internet Day), an event, proposed by the INSAFE network and supported by the European Union.
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Inspenet, February 7, 2023

Today, February 7, we celebrate the International Day for a Safe Internet (Safer Internet Day), an event, proposed by the INSAFE network and supported by the European Union.

More than one hundred countries around the world celebrate this day whose main objective is to raise awareness of the importance of making the Internet a safer digital platform.

Since 2004, this initiative has mobilized millions of people around the world to promote and discuss the correct use of the Internet, especially for children and young people.

Here are some recommendations to be safer when entering this technological medium:

  • Avoid contact with strangers on social networks, do not accept invitations from people who are not part of your family or social circle.
  • Use a secure connection, it is recommended that you do it from your home and not in public places, to prevent other people from accessing your data.
  • Avoid giving confidential information such as address, telephone numbers, photographs and passwords.
  • Delete suspicious emails or with links to unknown pages.

The online world offers many advantages and benefits such as direct access to any form of education, communication with friends and family, online shopping, access to entertainment platforms, audiovisual content, movies, series, video games, etc.

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