Today the complementary academic activities began in the XVIII SLOM Conference


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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 3, 2022

As of today, the complementary academic activities began within the framework of the ‘XVIII Conference of Oil Maritime Terminal and Monobuoy Operators’, an event that will take place from October 5 to 7, 2022 at the Estelar Cartagena de Indias Hotel & Convention Center in the city. from Cartagena, Colombia.

Today, Monday, October 3, from 08:30 to 17:00, at the Hyatt Regency Cartagena Hotel, the ‘AMPP–SLOM Day’, in which the AMPP (Association for the Protection and Performance of Materials, formerly NACE International) and SLOM will present a technical program on integrity management and corrosion control in the operation of marine oil terminals. Methodologies and tools for integrity management and risk analysis, information on new standards, case studies, latest developments on corrosion monitoring and control, among other interesting topics, will be presented.

975 actividades academicas SLOM 2022

Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 4, they continue with the ‘OCIMF Day’ , from 09:00 – 17:00, at the Estelar Cartagena de Indias Hotel and Convention Center, Cartagena/Colombia. Promoted by the OCIMF (Oil Companies International Maritime Forum / Foro Marítimo Internacional de Compañías Petroleras) its objective is to share with the maritime industry in general, an update on the activities of OCIMF, in reference to its publications, programs, new challenges and collaborations. external.

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To see the detailed program of these academic activities, go to:

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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