Sasol and Topsoe announce Zaffra venture to decarbonize aviation fuels

The creation of the Zaffra company is in line with the global objectives of climate change mitigation and CO₂ emissions reduction.
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Un visión optimista para descarbonizar combustible de aviación

Sasol and Topsoe, two leaders in the field of chemistry and environmental technology, have joined forces to create Zaffra and decarbonize jet fuel. This Amsterdam-based company aims to be a benchmark in the provision of sustainable fuel solutions for aviation.

Zaffra and innovation in sustainable fuel technologies

In addition, Jan Toschka has been appointed CEO of Zaffra, putting the company in a unique position to contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the airline industry. Innovation in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) technologies and outstanding operational execution put Zaffra ahead of the curve on the road to industry transformation.

In addition, the collaboration between Sasol’s extensive experience in asset development and operation and Topsoe’s expertise in carbon abatement technologies bodes well for Zaffra’s future. Jan Toschka has expressed his enthusiasm for leading the company in this essential challenge, stressing the importance of adopting a creative approach and forming strategic alliances to meet the growing demand for PBS.

The creation of the Zaffra company is in line with the global objectives of climate change mitigation and CO₂ emissions reduction. From Sasol Fleetwood Grobler, its president and CEO, has expressed his satisfaction at contributing to more sustainable aviation fuels through Zaffra, a project that benefits from a long history of collaboration with Topsoe.

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An optimistic vision for decarbonizing jet fuel

Roeland Baan, CEO of Topsoe, shares this optimistic view, highlighting Zaffra’s importance in reducing the environmental impact of aviation, which currently accounts for 2 to 3% of global CO₂ emissions, and the company’s ability to generate significant change in the industry through the introduction of alternative fuels.

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Source: Sasol

Photo: Zaffra

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