They develop much cheaper batteries that last 50% longer

Inspenet, March 10, 2023 Scientists from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory announced an important evolution of batteries for electric vehicles, thanks to the use of a conductive polymer coating that not only makes them cheaper, but also makes them more powerful and, above all, has a durability of 50% more than current lithium-ion batteries.
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Inspenet, March 10, 2023

Scientists from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory announced an important evolution of batteries for electric vehicles, thanks to the use of a conductive polymer coating that not only makes them cheaper, but also makes them more powerful and, above all, has a durability of 50% more than current lithium-ion batteries.

A very relevant advance that reveals what electric vehicles will be like in the near future.

From the Berkeley Lab Energy Technologies Area, they point out that “the advance opens a new approach for the development of batteries for electric cars that are cheaper and easier to manufacture”, as pointed out by Gao Liu, leading scientist in this scientific advance. .

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It is a new conductive polymer coating called HOS-PFM, which is capable of conducting electrons and ions simultaneously, to ensure greater battery stability.

This guarantees the stability of the battery and a high speed of charging and discharging, while increasing its lifespan. The coating also shows promise as a battery adhesive that could extend the life of a lithium-ion battery from an average of 10 years to about 15 years, Liu added.

This means that the coating allows 50% more useful life compared to what is being achieved today. Thus, the next batteries for electric vehicles will be cheaper and more durable thanks to this new conductive polymer coating.


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