There is a new alternative for sustainable construction: hemp

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 7, 2022. Civil engineers Esteban Hidalgo and Randall Solano, graduates of the Fidélitas University in Costa Rica, generated a proposal for the development of a Construction Manual for Single-Family Homes based on "hempcrete", a biocomposite made from vegetable fibers from the stem of the cannabis sativa plant, lime and water, an alternative to construction with iron and cement.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, October 7, 2022

Civil engineers Esteban Hidalgo and Randall Solano, graduates of the Fidélitas University in Costa Rica, generated a proposal for the development of a Construction Manual for Single-Family Homes based on “hempcrete”, a biocomposite made from vegetable fibers from the stem of the cannabis sativa plant, lime and water, an alternative to construction with iron and cement.

Hemp meets the characteristics to be an eco-friendly material, where the extraction process comes from a renewable source and allows reducing energy consumption to keep spaces warm, the engineers indicated.

As part of their analysis, the students built a wall in Tamarindo, Guanacaste. “We know of at least four houses and commercial premises that implemented this material in their architecture located in Tamarindo, Avellanas and Flamingo,” said Hidalgo.

With respect to the behavior before an earthquake, it is recommended for the construction of light structures, such as those used to make enclosures. “It does not mean that it is exempt from suffering damages as a result of the earthquake, but these damages do not compromise the stability of the structure. Only aesthetic effects or finishes would be seen and for that, “added Hidalgo.

Hempcrete has several advantages: it is an ecological, renewable and carbon neutral material, thermal and acoustic insulation, it does not produce any residue, since all the materials (hemp, lime) can be composted, the material does not burn or rot.

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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