From prototype to reality: Xpeng’s flying car is now available

Isbel Lázaro.
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During CES 2024, a significant milestone was witnessed in the automotive and aeronautics sectors: the presentation of a flying car . This event, recognized worldwide for being the showcase of the most advanced and revolutionary technologies, provided the perfect setting to reveal one of the most anticipated innovations, transforming what previously only existed in the imagination into a tangible possibility.

The pioneering company behind this technological achievement is XPeng Motors , a Chinese company that has been at the forefront of developing innovative vehicles. This company’s path towards creating a flying car began in 2016, initially with the conception of a flying motorcycle.

Look what this flying car looks like!


AeroHT eVTOL: XPeng’s flying car

The presented model is called AeroHT eVTOL Flying Car, or simply eVTOL. This vehicle fuses the practicality of a car with the versatility of an aircraft.

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What sets the eVTOL apart are its folding propellers, a feature that allows it to operate like a conventional vehicle on roads and, with a few simple adjustments, become a flying machine.

During the display at CES, XPeng Motors not only revealed the physical prototype of the eVTOL, but also presented an illustrative video highlighting the vehicle’s ease of handling. This was the first time the company held an eVTOL demonstration outside of China.

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