The US, Mexico and Canada will establish an alliance to boost the hydrogen industry

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Inspenet, January 17, 2023

The US, Mexico and Canada have made a series of agreements focused on working together to address different issues, during a series of talks held at the North American Leaders Summit (NALS) in Ciudad from Mexico.

US President Joe Biden, Mexican President Andrés López Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the summit an opportunity to promote “a common vision for North America.”

According to the White House statement, one of the key points of this commitment is the promise to explore standards to develop hydrogen as a clean energy source.

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The nations stated their goal of developing a clean North American hydrogen market, including possible cooperation on research and development, safety codes and standards, cross-border hydrogen pools, green freight transportation corridors, and integrated maritime operations.

These efforts would kick off with the “first trilateral semiconductor forum” scheduled for early this year, during which the Biden administration hopes to discuss investment opportunities in each of the three countries.

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Photo: President Biden’s Twitter account

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