They manage themselves! Robot taxis will circulate in California

Isbel Lázaro.
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taxis robot

Inspenet, August 15, 2023.

Although they are fascinating, the advances that technology and AI bring with them scare many. Would you be able to take this particular service?

Despite public resistance, it is possible that robot taxis will begin to circulate on the streets of San Francisco, although they will be subject to restrictions regarding maximum speed and weather conditions.

The regulatory authorities of the state of California, United States, granted their approval on August 10 for the companies Waymo and Cruise , which offer driverless taxi services, to operate without interruption 24 hours a day in San Francisco.

This decision paves the way for the expansion of autonomous vehicle technology, an area in which giants such as Amazon, Google and Apple are already investing, according to The Washington Post .

The determination by the California Public Utilities Commission, in charge of regulating services such as electricity or transportation in the state, comes despite opposition from local authorities, who have expressed their intention to possibly request a review of the permits. granted.

The vote lasted for a period of seven hours, but a decision was finally reached with two votes in favor and one against.

Waymo and Cruise: the managers of the robot taxis

Waymo , a subsidiary of Alphabet (Google’s parent company), and Cruise are the two main companies currently testing their autonomous taxis on the streets of San Francisco, where several dozen companies are operating such vehicles.

Despite the interest in this technology, numerous citizens have expressed their complaints about the problems that driverless vehicles are generating in city traffic, including congestion and minor accidents.

Source: %C3% B3ticos-sin-conductor/a-66504275


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