The ‘netiquette’ on the wall of Inspenet

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, December 22, 2022 The word 'netiquette', refers to net (network), etiquette (etiquette / good manners) and is a term used to refer to the rules of general behavior or etiquette rules on the internet.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, December 22, 2022

The word ‘netiquette’, refers to net (network), etiquette (etiquette / good manners) and is a term used to refer to the rules of general behavior or etiquette rules on the internet.

The wall is a tool that enables the exchange of opinions, arguments and where each participant adds their own experiences, contributions, questions, ideas and points of view on different topics; Furthermore, it allows users to meet people who share the same interests. It is important that the users of these interaction spaces comply with the rules of general courtesy on the Internet, that is, it is nothing more than an adaptation of the etiquette rules of the real world to the virtual one.​

The Wall (Wall) of Inspenet is an interactive support, where all the members express their ideas around topics of engineering, inspection, oil, gas, mining, new energies, latest technologies, among others.

In this space, you will be able to meet and connect with different professionals and companies at an international level, who provide technical advice, give advice on industrial cases, ask questions, comment and share interesting content, images and videos. All the people who participate in this space must comply with certain rules or protocols for electronic contacts. In this way, users feel greater security, humanity and fraud, spam or junk mail and hoaxes (hoaxes or fake news) are combated. If they are violated, your messages may be deleted, your access to the portal may be temporarily or permanently restricted and your username may be deleted.

To intervene on the wall, the first step is to register with your real email address, since users with fictitious emails are periodically removed from the database. As a security and protection measure, we suggest not placing your full name and last name, email address and personal telephone number, to prevent other users from misusing that information. The use of “clones” (the same person participating with several different users) is not allowed either.

In the messages, spam, advertising, merely propaganda interventions, politics or external links are not allowed, except for those references that are included by their logic and in the context; help the approach, resolution or development of the topic.

Write your interventions taking care of spelling and grammar, do not write in capital letters (on the Internet it is synonymous with shouting), ask specific questions, do not send excessively long messages (because they discourage reading), it is recommended to use a maximum of 10 lines per intervention (2 paragraphs).

If you want to share an image, video or document file, try to optimize it for download and take into account that you can attach up to ten files that do not exceed the maximum allowed, in the case of documents of 10 megabytes (MB), photos 30MB and videos 50MB each.

If you have posted your message, question or reply and notice an error or need to add something to it, please edit it instead of adding a new one (there is a 10 minute ‘time window’ on the wall to edit a post from its creation, past that time can only be done through the administrator).

Do not publish violent, obscene, discriminatory messages that violate the law, incite illegal practices or that violate copyright (plagiarism).

Finally, treat the people you communicate with with respect and courtesy, keep in mind that members from multiple countries participate, and cultural differences lead to differences in communication styles.

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