The Ministry of Mines and Energy establishes measures for fair energy prices in Colombia

Inspenet, June 8, 2023 With the issuance of Decree 0929, the Ministry of Mines and Energy establishes public policy guidelines to promote the efficiency and competitiveness of the electric power service in the country.
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Inspenet, June 8, 2023

With the issuance of Decree 0929 , the Ministry of Mines and Energy establishes public policy guidelines to promote the efficiency and competitiveness of the electric power service in the country.

This regulation seeks, among other measures, that the Energy and Gas Regulation Commission, CREG, make decisions that guarantee greater economic efficiency in the electricity market through the optimal use of resources for the generation of electricity, in addition to promoting non-conventional sources of renewable energy to reduce losses.

“We are advancing in the second phase of the Agreement for Tariff Justice, with the aim of guiding regulation and promoting effective competition in market segments where this is possible. These guidelines will allow us to increase the efficiency of the electrical system, in such a way that it leads to fair prices for users,” said Irene Vélez Torres, Minister of Mines and Energy.

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The Ministry of Mines and Energy establishes measures for fair energy prices in Colombia

Your voice counts: The Ministry of Mines and Energy invites users to actively participate in the construction of energy policies

This decree is the result of joint work with users, social leaders, large consumers of electrical energy, agents of the different activities in the chain of provision of public services, unions, among others, with whom we dialogue in order to know their concerns and needs.

“The axis of these guidelines is the end user, this is how we want citizen participation to be promoted in the processes of public policy design and regulation issuance, that is, that users take an active part in the different stages of construction of the normativity” pointed out Vélez Torres.

In addition to the decree of political guidelines for the provision of energy service in the country, the Ministry of Mines and Energy developed the document ‘ Abecé ‘ that will allow both users, generators and the interested population to understand the scope of this new regulation. .

Source : MinEnergy

Photos : Shutter Stock

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