The Mexican petrochemical industry reflects positive numbers

By: Ariana Méndez Lugo – Inspenet TV – November 5, 2021. The Association of Industrialists from the south of the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico project a favorable closure for the petrochemical sector even within the negative consequences derived from Covid-19.
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By: Ariana Méndez Lugo – Inspenet TV – November 5, 2021

The Association of Industrialists from the south of the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico project a favorable closure for the petrochemical sector even within the negative consequences derived from Covid-19.

The petrochemical sector in the international market and in the specific case of Mexico, led to a positive effect for the industry in the state of Tamaulipas, during the first half of 2021, which projects a booming outlook for the last six months of the year, with the reactivation of the European market, within the new normality, which is why the Association of Industrialists of southern Tamaulipas assumes that at the end of 2021, the statistics will point to growth, similar to 2019 and above 2020.

In recent days, the Mexican Stock Exchange reported that the Mexican multinational specialist in chemical manufacturing, Alpek expects for the rest of the year, a sustained high demand for integrated polyester and in reference to chemical plastics, the outlook for polypropylene will record numbers positive at the end of this year.

It is worth noting that the productive and commercial activity of the petrochemical industry has not stopped and for those who make up the Association of Industrialists of the aforementioned Aztec state, the fact that there is a market to supply the products is a positive fact, coupled with the statistical increase in demands in the United States and Europe that, contrary to 2020 when there was a contraction, in the first half of 2021, the activity flowed favorably.

In the specific case of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, producers have their sights set on the third wave of spread of the virus, an issue that conditions the fact of raising the preventive level to protect plant personnel.