General Atomics announces the launch of FUSE, the software that powers fusion energy

New software from General Atomics boosts fusion energy research, accelerating development of sustainable power plants.
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El lanzamiento de FUSE, un software desarrollado por General Atomics

General Atomics ( GA ) continues to aim towards the creation of clean and sustainable energy with the launch of FUSE ( Fusion Synthesis Engine ), an open source platform designed to accelerate the development of fusion power plants.

General Atomics launches FUSE

This software is now available under the Apache 2.0 license, and allows scientists and engineers around the world to access, modify and collaborate on the creation of energy solutions based on fusion energy.

Written in the Julia programming language, FUSE integrates elements such as plasma physics , engineering , and cost analysis into one easy-to-use platform. This approach will enable researchers to generate faster and more accurate simulations, improving the design of fusion plants and reducing operating costs.

According to Wayne Solomon, vice president of Magnetic Fusion Energy at General Atomics , the availability of FUSE will enable more effective collaboration across the fusion energy community. “ By making the FUSE platform available in an open manner, we are accelerating progress across the field ,” he stated. This software will benefit GA’s internal projects , as well as open the door for other researchers to contribute to the development of fusion technology.

Fusion energy emulates the process that occurs in the sun, and this tool aims to be a clean and virtually unlimited source of energy. Unlike nuclear fission, which splits atoms, fusion brings them together, generating enormous amounts of heat that can be harnessed to produce electricity without polluting emissions. With the support of tools like FUSE , the promise of fusion energy for a sustainable future is closer to becoming a reality.

At its headquarters in San Diego, General Atomics continues to lead fusion technology research, operating the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, the only operating fusion reactor in the United States.

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Source and photo: General Atomics

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