The largest solar plant in Latin America is being built in Argentina

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Inspenet, January 20, 2023

Located in the Jujuy region, in a desert 4,000 meters above sea level and 300 kilometers from San Salvador, the Argentine capital, is the Cauchari Solar Park, which is being built by the Asian company Power China, a development that can supply clean energy to 250,000 homes.

The place where the park is located is one of the areas with the highest solar radiation in the world, which allows optimal performance of the solar panels. This project has provided around 1,500 jobs.

“Many locals became part of the project after the training. Construction workers earn approximately USD 700 a month,” said one of the engineers working on the project.

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In addition, the Cauchari Solar Park contributed 65 million dollars to the local government, in addition to considerably relieving the stress on local electricity. The project has the capacity to produce 1.74 million Mwh of electricity. Reducing 325,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

When its construction is finished, it will have 1.2 million solar panels and will establish itself as one of the largest solar plants in the world.

Source : %C3% A1s-grande-de-latinoam %C3% A9rica/ar-AA16ux1n?li=AAggFp8

Photo: ShutterStock

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