Japanese biomass plant IITATE to start operations in mid-July

The construction company Kumagai-Gumi, developer Kobelco Eco-Solution and Tokyo Power Technology started construction of the Iitate plant in August 2022.
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La planta de biomasa en IITATE

A 7.5 MW biomass plant in the village of Iitate in Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture has completed construction and will begin scheduled commercial operations in mid-July of this year.

The biomass plant at IITATE

The biomass unit will burn a total of 95,000 t/year of unused wood and wood bark collected from Fukushima Prefecture, including several areas affected by the 2011 nuclear disaster. These biomass fuels may contain radioactive materials, so the unit is equipped with dual filters and will continuously monitor for radioactive materials in the exhaust gases. Therefore, the unit is equipped with dual filters and will continuously monitor the radioactive materials in the exhaust gases.

The company will sell electricity under Japan’s feed-in tariff scheme for 20 years and will consider continuing commercial operations after its completion. The total project expenditure is $62 million and received $34 million from the Japanese government’s subsidy scheme to build power plants in Fukushima in an effort to revitalize the prefecture.

The power unit is operated by the joint venture Iitate Bio Partners. Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power owns 40% of the company, while construction company Kumagai-Gumi, developer Kobelco Eco-Solution and Tokyo Power Technology each have a 20% stake. Tokyo Power Technology is a subsidiary of Tokyo Electric Power and the Iitate plant is located about 40 km from Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant.

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Source: Argus Media

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