The IMCORRS 2022 Seminar continues in Villahermosa

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By: Inspenet, Dec 7, 2022

This Tuesday, the programming of the Integrity Management and Corrosion Seminar IMCORRS 2022 continued, at the facilities of the Hotel Hyatt Regency Villahermosa, Mexico.

This event, organized by the AMPP (Association for Materials Protection and Performance) Mexico Chapter; presented a series of conferences yesterday, beginning with Tim Bieri from BP America Inc AMPP Officer – USA, who welcomed and updated AMPP.

1231 Conferencia Tim Bieri 1
Tim Bieri from BP America Inc AMPP Officer – USA, during his conference

This was followed by more speakers addressing the topic of corrosion, with presentations on ‘Certification of the fabricator of steel structures and applicator of complex coating systems’, ‘Onshore gas gathering, Upstream Value Creation in a rapidly changing and regulatory challenged environment’ and ‘Methods advanced NDT methods for corrosion detection and evaluation’, among others.

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Inspenet, your network of knowledge and professional connection, brings you the best interviews, direct from the place:

Inauguration of IMCORRS 2022:

Interview with Bismark Meza from the company Vector Engineering International and interview with Diego García from the company ZION NDT:

Interview with Rodolfo Alfonso Esquivel from the company Grupo Roales S.A.:

Interview with Rodrigo Gutiérrez Ampudia from the company RAM 100 Pipeline Repair Systems:

Interview with Gustavo Romero, President of the AMPP Mexico Chapter, Founder of IMCORRS and Director of Penspen Latam. Interview with María Luisa Somellera, Executive General Coordinator of the Government of Tabasco:

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Photos : Inspenet

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