Sanctuary AI’s Phoenix humanoid robot stands out for its agility

Isbel Lazaro, March 4, 2024. Sanctuary AI has launched Phoenix, an innovative humanoid robot that is setting new standards in the robotics industry thanks to its speed, precision and human-like dexterity.
Sanctuary AI presentó al robot humanoide Phoenix

A few months ago, Sanctuary AI introduced Phoenix, an innovative humanoid robot that is setting new standards in the robotics industry thanks to its speed, precision and human-like dexterity. Equipped with a hydraulic drive system, it is distinguished by its ability to perform complex tasks with a skill that rivals human capacity, promising to transform autonomous work in various sectors.

How does Sanctuary AI’s Phoenix robot work?

Unlike traditional robots that rely on electric motors, Phoenix benefits from a hydraulic drive system, giving it unprecedented precision, speed and strength.

Suzanne Gildert, CTO of Sanctuary AI, notes that this technology enables the humanoid to perform tasks ranging from the most delicate, such as threading a needle, to the most demanding, such as lifting heavy objects or typing quickly on a keyboard. The robot’s hands are a feat of engineering, capable of performing with a versatility that is unmatched in today’s field.

The company has also adopted an innovative teaching strategy focused on understanding and mastering the basic hand movements known as Eigengrasps. This method, similar to a human baby learning to interact with its environment, promises to significantly accelerate its learning curve. By analyzing data obtained from teleoperation, the robot is being trained from the ground up, portending rapid advances in its capabilities and wider application in a variety of industries.

Potentially useful for various industries

The evolution of Phoenix has the potential to revolutionize multiple sectors, including manufacturing and healthcare. Their ability to work at human speeds and with human-like dexterity opens up new possibilities for human-robot collaboration.

This robot from Sanctuary AI is not just another addition to the world of humanoid robots; it represents a leap into a future where machines work alongside humans, improving productivity, safety and efficiency in unprecedented ways.

As the boundaries of what robots can achieve expand, this humanoid is positioned at the forefront, embodying the pinnacle of today’s humanoid robotics technology. Its development marks an important milestone on the road to intelligent automation, promising to bring significant improvements in various aspects of human endeavor.

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