Newmont receives its first electric mining truck, after two years of testing by Caterpillar

Caterpillar spent two years of intensive testing to improve the vehicle's development at one of its main operations centers in Arizona.
El primer camión minero eléctrico de Newmont

Newmont Corporation , a mining specialist in gold and other mineral production, has received and incorporated into its fleet the first large electric mining truck at the Cripple Creek and Victor mines in Colorado, United States.

The first electric mining truck

This vehicle, known as the Cat 793 XE Early Learner , was designed and evaluated under Caterpillar ‘s Early Learner program, launched in 2021, with the aim of accelerating the development of electric trucks in collaboration with mining companies committed to decarbonization.

During testing, the truck was put through real-world operating conditions , reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h fully loaded and demonstrating its ability to regenerate energy on steep descents, thereby reducing overall battery consumption. This detailed and rigorous testing process lasted two years, allowing Caterpillar to validate the vehicle’s efficiency and safety, ensuring it meets the demands of modern mining.

Newmont Chief Operating Officer Natascha Viljoen said the arrival of the Cat 793 XE underlines the company’s commitment to more sustainable, low-emission mining. “This vehicle reflects our ongoing efforts to reduce the carbon footprint across all our operations ,” said Viljoen.

For her part, Denise Johnson, president of Caterpillar ‘s resource industries group, indicated that the years of work and validation of the electric truck set a new standard for the industry, while providing an operational solution that contributes to global sustainability.

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The first large-size mining truck powered by electric battery. Source: Newmont

This new electric truck strengthens Newmont ‘s operations as a pioneer in the use of advanced technology in sustainable mining. In addition, the experience gained in these two years of testing supports the commitment of both companies to an energy transition in mining that ensures efficiency and environmental respect.

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Source and photo: Newmont