The American Society of Mechanical Engineers invites you to its upcoming events

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Inspenet, February 20, 2023

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) will hold three events this month, two committee meetings and the Advanced Reactor Deployment Conference.

For ASME members, you are invited to participate in NM.1 Committee Meetings which will take place on February 22 and 23, for more information, visit:

While the B31.4 Section Committee Meetings event will take place from February 28 to March 1, to register go to: section-committee-meetings

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Finally, ASME will hold the Conference for the Deployment of Advanced Reactors (CARD) February 22-24 in College Station, Texas, USA an event connecting leaders, executives and engineers in the small modular reactor (SMR) and microreactor nuclear technology industries with financial, regulatory and service leaders audiences to discover opportunities in the nuclear supply chain and promote clean energy solutions.

The program will cover the following topics: Modularization and Advanced Manufacturing, Advanced Reactor Research, Code Development and Harmonization, Digital Twins, Reactor Technologies, and Regulatory Modernization.

Important companies and government institutions will be present, such as: Oklo Inc, X-energy, TerraPower LLC, NuScale Power, Westinghouse Electric Company, Kairos Power, BWX Technologies, Inc., Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation, Framatome and others. Other companies such as Bechtel Corporation, EPRI, Dow, Idaho National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission – Comisión canadienne de sûreté nucléaire.

To register, go to:

Source :

Flyers : Facebook ASME

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