Alaska project will deploy inactive fishing vessels to capture tidal energy

The Alaska project aims to boost economic growth and increase energy independence for coastal communities.
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El proyecto de Alaska

Hydroelectric technologies company Sitkana, announces the Alaska Project in conjunction with Sandia National Laboratories to harness fishing boats that lie idle during Alaskan winters and transform them into tidal power generators. This proposal has been selected to receive a grant from the US Department of Energy(US DOE) Office of Technology Transitions.

The benefits of the Alaska project

The main purpose of the initiative is to use these inactive ships during the winter season to produce electricity through hydroelectric devices developed by Sitkana. This project seeks to meet the region’s growing energy demands and provide an additional source of income for ship owners.

Sitkana’s executive director, Lance McMullan, expressed his appreciation for the support received from the Department of Energy, noting that the grant will maximize available maritime resources to create an energy solution.

In addition to using idle fishing boats during the winter to meet peak energy demand, the project includes the development of an open source software tool. This tool is designed to assist communities in assessing their marine energy potential using Sitkana technology.

Support and recognition

According to Sitkana, the creation of this software tool will democratize the access to marine energy assessment The software tool will enable communities to explore and utilize their energy resources more efficiently and effectively, according to Sitkana.


Alaskan startup plans to produce energy from the ocean. Source: Sitkana

In January 2023, Sitkana was one of 12 initiatives selected by the U.S. Test Experience and Access to Marine Energy Research (TEAMER) program. These projects were chosen to receive technical support for testing marine energy technologies as part of TEAMER’s eighth call for applications. Technical support beneficiaries obtained assistance in conducting experience tests, access to numerical models, laboratory tests and tank and channel tests.

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Source and photo: Sitkana

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