Tesla impresses the world with its humanoid robots: new capabilities revealed

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Inspenet, May 18, 2023

This week, during the annual meeting of Tesla shareholders in Texas (USA), the CEO of the company, Elon Musk, presented a video in which the new capabilities acquired by its humanoid robots are observed.

In the recording it was possible to see the training process by artificial intelligence (AI) of the Tesla Bots, which showed their potential to perform human-like tasks.

1825 Tesla robots humanoide interna

Precise control and human learning: Tesla Bots show unprecedented motor torque

Enhanced abilities include increased motor torque control and AI training based on movements learned from human demonstrations, which allowed them to move objects from one container to another.

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They also demonstrated their object recognition and manipulation capabilities. It is worth highlighting the fact that these robots can now walk steadily and in a straight line without the need for help from staff.

Musk had already unveiled a first prototype of his company’s humanoid robot during an event called Artificial Intelligence Day, held in October last year.

Source : https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/467380-tesla-muestra-robots-humanoides-actualizados

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