Aptera to showcase PI-2 “solar-powered vehicle” technology in UAE

The company unveils the construction of "PI-2", its flagship solar electric vehicle designed for large-scale production.

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La tecnología del PI-2 a gran escala

Aptera Motors plans its trip to the United Arab Emirates with the presentation of advances in PI-2 technology and the production of the solar-powered vehicle.

Large-scale PI-2 assembly and technology

The company has experience in the development of solar-powered electric vehicles. In a recent press release, co-founders Steve Fambro and Chris Anthony provided more details about their production process such as establishing profitability in short and long term plans.

This update highlights progress in the construction of the first solar electric vehicle for industrial production. Chris Anthony, co-CEO of Aptera, announces progress on the first production body structure, essential for finalizing components and wiring. In addition, mention is made of Aptera’s participation in JEC World 2024 in Paris, where its innovative “Body in Carbon” (BinC) was exhibited.

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Among other words from Anthony, he reveals the construction of “PI-2”, their flagship solar electric vehicle designed for full-scale production. In addition, the company is collaborating with CPC Group in Italy, with the aim of refining the suspension geometry.


The development and history of its vehicles. Source: Aptera.

In preparation for production, Aptera has initiated the supply chain for key components such as lighting and seating, while its battery supplier, CTNS, is working on production modules and validation processes.

Expectations of the presentation at the DRIFTx event

The company has its sights set on the future, announcing its participation in DRIFTx in Abu Dhabi. Chris Anthony hopes that this conference, focused on investing in innovation, will attract potential investors and bring the company closer to its long-awaited initial public offering (IPO).

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Source and photo: Aptera

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