Swarms of robots remove microplastics and bacteria from water

During a test, the microrobots managed to capture around 80% of the bacteria in 30 minutes.
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Enjambres de robots eliminan microplásticos y bacterias del agua

A recent study published in the journal ACS Nano, led by the Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic, has revealed the development of swarms of tiny robots measuring 2.8 micrometers in diameter . These present an innovative method for the simultaneous elimination of plastics and bacteria present in water.

The design of these robots is inspired by the behavioral patterns of natural swarms, such as schools of fish. For its construction, strands of a positively charged polymer were attached to magnetic microparticles, which are activated only under the influence of a magnetic field .

Lab tests

During laboratory tests, the researchers simulated the presence of microplastics and bacteria in water by adding micrometer-wide fluorescent polystyrene beads and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, known to cause pneumonia and other infections, to a tank of water.

When the robots were placed in the tank, a rotating magnetic field was applied to them for 30 minutes, alternating on and off every 10 seconds. At a concentration of 7.5 milligrams per milliliter, the highest of the four tested, the swarm of robots managed to capture approximately 80% of the bacteria present .

At this same concentration, a gradual decrease in the amount of free plastic beads was observed as they were attracted to the microrobots. Subsequently, the researchers used a permanent magnet to collect them and ultrasound to release the adhered bacteria, which were eliminated using ultraviolet light .

After being decontaminated, the robots were reused and continued to capture plastics and microbes, although in smaller quantities.

As relevant data, in 2021 scientists from Kyushu University published a statement stating that they estimated a figure of 24.4 trillion microplastics in the upper layers of the oceans.

Microplastics in water that could be eliminated by swarms of robots
Robot swarms could help remove microplastics from the sea. Source: shutterstock

How do robot swarms work?

Robot swarms are organized groups of machines that operate based on principles inspired by nature, following the behavior of swarms of insects such as bees, ants and fish. These systems are characterized by collaboration and coordination between a large number of simple, autonomous robots that interact with each other and their environment to complete often complex tasks.

This group of robots is characterized by being autonomous, having a decentralized distribution, executing local communication, as well as by its robustness and scalability.

These swarms have a wide range of applications, including exploration and rescue, agriculture, medicine, and industrial environments .

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Source: abc.com.py

Photo: Inspenet

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