Repairs to the Sudan pipeline nearly complete, operations to resume soon

Oil accounts for 90% of South Sudan's foreign exchange earnings.
Reparación del oleoducto de Sudán

Repairs to the Sudan pipeline, which was damaged in February, are almost complete and could resume operations within the next two weeks, a representative of South Sudan’s oil ministry announced Tuesday.

Sudan pipeline repair progressing

The Petrodar pipeline is operated by a consortium that includes CNPC of China, Sinopec and Petronas of Malaysia, and usually transports approximately 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day. from South Sudan over 1,500 km to a terminal on Sudan’s Red Sea coast.

In addition, Sudanese sources sympathetic to the military blamed the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) for the disruption, claiming that the damaged pumping station of the pipeline was located in RSF-controlled territory. However, RSF rejected these accusations.

In this context, South Sudan Dar Blend crude oil, characterized by its low sulfur content and waxy nature, requires heating to prevent it from solidifying inside the pipeline.

For his part, William Anyak Deng, undersecretary of South Sudan’s Ministry of Petroleum, explained, “The rupture has been repaired, but it has caused some solidification along the pipeline.”

Petrodar pipeline reactivation

It is important to note that oil is a crucial source of revenue for the government of South Sudan, accounting for 90% of its foreign exchange earnings. Sudan also gets a share of the oil as a transit fee.

Also, the Petrodar pipeline, one of two in Sudan, handles about two-thirds of South Sudan’s total oil exports.

It is worth mentioning that observers have warned of a possible economic collapse and political instability in South Sudan if this vital source of petrodollars is not restored.

However, oil exports in Sudan will resume once the wax has been removed, using hot water or diesel, Deng told reporters.

Finally, Ma Qiang, China’s ambassador to South Sudan, said,“China will continue to provide its support and cooperation together with its partners to try to solve the problems and meet the challenges.”

The resumption of the pipeline will bring relief to South Sudan’s economy and allow for greater stability in the region, boosting development and foreign investment in energy infrastructure.

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Source: pgjonline

Photo: Shutterstock