GEOENERGÍA supports EESC initiative to promote geothermal energy in the EU

The EU could reach 250 GW of geothermal energy by 2040
Energía geotérmica

The Spanish Geothermal Association, GEOENERGÍA, has shown its firm support for the recent recommendation of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to the European Commission, which calls for a comprehensive strategy to promote geothermal energy in the European Union.

This proposal, put forward at the EESC plenary session in October, highlights the importance of geothermal energy as a key renewable energy source for achieving climate neutrality and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

The role of geothermal energy

The opinion, prepared by Zsolt Kükedi and Thomas Kattnig, emphasises the ability of geothermal energy to supply continuous energy with low greenhouse gas emissions, a crucial factor in the context of REPowerEU , the EU’s plan to ensure energy autonomy.

The EESC notes that the potential of this technology in decarbonising the European economy has not yet been fully exploited, and suggests that effective implementation requires a combination of financial incentives and coordinated planning between Member States.

GEOENERGÍA welcomes this initiative, highlighting the need for financial support at national and European level to reduce the risks of initial investment in geothermal power plants . The organisation also highlights that a strategy of this nature could generate benefits in sectors such as building air conditioning and the development of geothermal heat networks.

EU sets target of 250 GW by 2040

The EESC resolution is also in line with the European Parliament’s recent position on geothermal energy, which underlines its role in energy efficiency and reducing the EU’s carbon footprint . In addition, the proposal sets a target of 250 GW of geothermal energy by 2040, which would include its use in diverse sectors, from agriculture to transport and manufacturing.

GEOENERGÍA, in its commitment to sustainable development, was one of the signatory organisations of an international petition addressed to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, requesting a coherent strategy to harness the potential of geothermal energy in the region.

Through this action, the Spanish Geothermal Association seeks to have the European Commission give a relevant role to geothermal energy in its energy transition agenda, providing the sector with a framework that promotes innovation and enables it to meet the ambitious sustainability objectives of the European Union.

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Photo: Shutterstock