Tests begin on “storm-resistant technology” that generates electricity in the ocean

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Plotec es una tecnología resistente a tormentas que genera electricidad en el océano

In Spain, a prototype based on “Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion” (OTEC) is being developed under a storm-resistant technology that promises to transform tropical islands dependent on fossil fuels.

PLOTEC: a technology resistant to natural storms

This system has been successfully tested in London and is currently under development for a 1:5 scale prototype. The PLOTEC of GLOBAL OTEC consists of three main components: a cylindrical shell, a cold water riser and a cardan-type connection point.

This initiative provides for an uninterrupted supply of renewable energy as an alternative to new energy sources in remote or inaccessible locations. However, further testing of the prototype will be carried out in the Canary Islands for a period of one year.

Climate challenges for energy storage

Despite the availability of abundant solar energy in regions such as the Alps, its use is limited to daytime hours. This implies that the energy generated must be stored in high-capacity batteries for nighttime use, which represents an additional economic challenge in the energy transition process.

On the other hand, the potential of sea waves, as a source of unlimited renewable energy, has captured the attention of several companies. These include WavEC Offshore Renewables of Portugal, the Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias , PLOCAN of Spain and the University of Plymouth of the United Kingdom.

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In this context, PLOTEC emerges as an innovative proposal for harnessing the ocean’s energy potential. This technology is distinguished by its ability to meet environmental challenges, including storm resistance, which demonstrates its viability and long-term sustainability.

How does OTEC technology work?

The essence of OTEC technology lies in its turbine, which is driven by steam generated by heating a working fluid with the heat of surface seawater. This process takes advantage of the oceanic thermal gradient, using cold water from the depths to condense the fluid and allow the cycle to repeat. An ingenious approach to power generation in adverse weather conditions.

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Source and photo: Global Otec

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